Fleetwood Deville vs Wilson Sound

Both are great speakers. I was always curious about Wilson speakers especially because some people really hate on them.

Anyone compare the Fleetwood Deville vs Wilson Sasha Tier?

How would you describe the differences in own words?

The Devilles make female vocals sound quite stunning, and am unsure if I would like that "crisp clear hifi" sound that Wilsons have.



Another speaker I tried recent that surprised me a bit was the Focal Maestro + Scala. The vocals/mid range on that is very clean without that tipping point of over doing it like on the Magicos. 


The Magicos are really interesting to me because I never knew expected that many people to be into that sort of sound. 

After demoing the wilson sasha v, the magico s3, focal scala, I ended up getting the Scala.


Bit surprised as I pre judged the focal due to hating their headphone sound. I initially thought I would like the magico s3s the most as it looked the best to me and the overall tech was really cool, but the sound was too clean/sterile to me especially the mid range. Though it was very impressive upon first listen or even 2nd, that type of sound wore on me. I also see that magico is slowly moving into direction of having a more polite mid range compared to previous models, with s3 showing that in spades. I think they know what the market whats and had to adjust. The thing I loved most about the s3 was how amazingly defined fhe bass was. Less bass than the wilson sasha V, but much more defined and detailed. The sasha V had the most bass but for some reason just did not move me. The thing I liked about the Sasha V was that it felt to be a good all rounder.

The Scala won my heart over as it was the most detailed natural sounding out of the 3 for my ears, not to mention how amazing the spacing was between instruments. Just wow.


OP- fantastic that you demoed for yourself- much better to understand sonic differences than mere words can convey.  I too am a Magico fan- the S3 (2023) sounds similar to the M2/M3 - one of these may be my end game target. I’ve listened to many Wilson speakers, but they never connected with me emotionally. 

I've never heard a pair of Wilson speakers that I remotely wanted.  I own Deville SQs.  They couldn't be any more different IMO.  The Deville's are engaging, enveloping, and sound like live music.  The Wison's are sterile and precise with exaggerated bass.

Different speakers for totally different tastes would be my take.

I have been really impressed with Wilson speakers… often blown away (like well set up $500K ones), but I have never been inclined to want them for myself. But have recommended them for folks that value that kind sound. Same with. Magico.