Anyone listen to Music on a FM tuner anymore?

I’m not referring to streaming, I mean an actual FM turner. I haven’t had a turner for at least 15, probably more like 20 years. I had a high-end one that went bad years ago and even then I hadn’t really used it in years. Just wondering if anyone still uses one and why?

Added info: back in my college days there were lots of reasons, some great DJ’s in the New York City area and sometimes a live concert broadcasts that were great, but those times are long gone, as is most of my hair and my 32 inch waistline.....I’m not trying to judge anyone for still listening to music on a FM tuner, just asking for the reason to do so.

Hope everyone had a good holiday season.


I still listen to the McIntosh MR80 tuner in my system. The classical station I enjoy sounds much better OTA than it does on the stream, and a few other bright spots remain on FM. But of course, the glory days of FM are long gone.

SoCal here... 

We have 2 decent sounding stations for Classical,- 91.5 and Jazz 88.1.

My 65' tubed Mac MR 71 is a daily driver.

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I use a Don Scott modified Luxman T-110 tuner...have a good NPR classical station...hear lots of music I wasn't aware of, enjoy using the tuner, and it's easier than streaming sometimes...

Not in the 21st century with the exemption of broadcasting USB to FM before some cars supported direct play.

I find much more attractive, commercial free "radio" on the web.

Any radio program of music is overwhelmed by my high quality choice designed for me by me ...😁

I enjoyed FM radio in my car transit while working...I am now retired ...

I remember the time when i was young when there is fantastic musical communicators and not rare few but many here in Canada ...

I dont think that this rare breed exert his vulgarizing and deep thinking about poetry and music on radio now with all the tech progress in the net transfer of information from old tech to new tech ...

I can listen to even past radio program using the net anyway try it  ...

A talented radio broadcaster animator will never go back to radio now ever ... There subsist few exceptions  for sure but i dont know where in North America anyway ...

The trend in past old medias is making people idiots to attract their attention more not to vulgarize poetry and music as jazz, classical or Indian , and iranian etc  as it was the case 60 years ago...I perfectly remember it because i gained so much knowledge it is unbelievable ... In this time i even wrote and read between radio listenings and i never felt becoming an idiot by listening the radio when rightfully selected ......Traditional radio is now mostly a dumpster ... Or a continuous music playing , classical or pop mostly with not very intelligent commentaries... It is my general impressions as  an old duck ...

In the first years of TV i remember being 10 years old and listening a program acted by local comedians about the light scientific problem , corpuscule or wave , opposing comedian playing the script in historical costumes...And it was not an exception ...And the Sunday we had opera and high classical or contemporary theater ... It was education for all ... it is long gone ... Now we can educate ourself even better , thanks to the net, but the social impulse to do so is lost for most people transforming in passive sleepwalker consumers ...