2024 Audio System Wish List


I’ve been doing this for years now- and it’s time for our 2024 wish list!

In 2023 I explored the world of room treatment and purchased a modest amount of products from GIK and Acoustimac, and for an approximate $400 investment, I was extremely satisfied how it really helped my music listening experience- far more than any $400 cable ever has.

My goal for 2024, as it has been for a number of years now, is to explore and add more music. Streaming has been a fantastic way of exploring new to me music, and in some instances after streaming an album, I also wound up buying it on vinyl.

I will probably add some more room treatment, but not much more.

What’s your audio goal for 2024? A new preamp? A DAC? More music?

Enjoy 🥂


I find it odd that a lot of folks want to invest in room treatments AFTER they've purchased and setup all their gear. That's backwards. Better late than never, I guess. I just finished my room a few months ago so we're going to sit back and enjoy it in 2024. No planned purchases at all!

New step up transformer for the Koetsu Urushi Tsugaru I got a couple of years ago.  Would replace mt Rothwell - considering a Swissonor (Hashimoto transformers), or if I feel rich, a Koetsu to match.  

(1) Finish my audio room, with all of the delays.....hopefully by March/April?

(2) Receive and start breaking in my Clayton Shaw Caladan speakers

(3) Build all of the DIY speaker and power cables that I've purchased over the last 6 months (Oyaide, Furutech, Neotech, RAMM, Acoustic Revive, SAEC, Viborg, DH Labs, GR Research)....got at least 2 months worth of work.

@dorkwad ..aka Bob...*s Thanks for your comment re Sistrum racks and the Live Vibe approach to resonance and vibration in system, something that many approach with various means and intended 'cures' which may or not.  Their acceptance of mechanical vibration(s) and a broad scope of 'live with it' v. 'fighting a tireless foe' is novel...and worth some thought....
I esp. found their treatment of the back corners of their 'Energy Room' *trademark implied* ;)...a fascinating diversion from the typ.'bass trap'...and one that appears easier for one to 'diy' to try for themselves; and what appears to be rock wool insulation in the wall cavities is one that I will attest to 'work'....but not in an audio application, from my obscure past...  *Book mark applied* *G*  

'Ell, everything vibrates...right down to the atomic level.  Wave the flag, and surrender... 👍😏

The ER's are a bit Spartan, at least in the published pics....but the minimalist approach is kinda fitting for the 'That's the Point' listening space... and the comment that it's applicable to 'modest equip. expenditures' as well as stratosphere levels makes it more attractive to emulate...  Thanks again...

@stuartk  ....Yeah, ssssSibilance is a pain to ssstymie...my ear aids don't help on occasion depending on the source and the program in prog.... Active eq can help, but it's transient and a 'bug hunt' to sssquelch....a 'notch' filter can cure or kill, the latter being a cost, perhaps too far and much...  
@hilde45 's suggestion is a good one to start or carry on from or with....

Good luck, happy hunting...at least, your methodology is more music... ;) 👍

------------------------------------------------------------------------....and....as for 'gifting' self, If I was to 'go there'....not likely, but if asked....

Depends upon 'where I'd like to go or continue onto':

- A B&K MRA 16.75+, used or new would allow my continued digression in my approach to that of audio....bi, tri, quad, surround, and flavour of the week.


- A NAD  M33, likely used by the time I'd get a roundtoit....and attach the end products of my choice to it when I wave the soiled white-ish flag and desist from this life of deceptance and subterfuge...*L*

But, meanwhile, back @ the raunche'...

Ramble On > Led Zep..... "...been this way, 50+ years to the day...." ;)

Happy PreNew Year, y'all....

Queens of the Stone Age - No One Knows (UNKLE Remix)


Improving my streaming side--and maybe replacing the audio rack but thankfully (mercifully?) happy with pre, amp, speakers, turntable, cables (having just splurged on some Fidelium speaker cables) and room--and my only issue with streaming is occasional glitches with running Roon/Tidal/Quobuz that require reboots of core and bridge so looking to eliminate that--SQ is very satisfactory--and then all that's left is discovering new music, for which i'm grateful to this forum's occasional threads on favorites.