Tekton Open Baffle Speakers

I see they have new open baffle speakers with 15 inch woofers that can be pre-ordered for 3000 bucks.  After the pre-order period they will be 7K.

Has anyone heard a prototype of this speaker?  At this price point it's tempting to order and sell if I don't like it.  I have 4 two channel systems and a vibrant stereo kit graveyard.

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Why the capitalization of random words in a paragraph? All of your posts exhibit this.

To be totally honest having rebuilt Xovers for years ,the internal parts in Tekton 

are very poor quality and the Xover is the ♥️ of all Loudspeakers.

to be totally real Clayton Shaws new Open baffle speakers at just over $3k 

pare a true Audiophile bargain . I know Clayton’s work well .

well worth the look .

Happy New Years Everyone ,you want aGreat open baffle speaker ?

i know Clayton Shaw well a excellent engineer and honest guy 

His Latest effort is without peer at $3k buy of the year !! 


Ive heard open baffle speakers are not good for rock/metal? How is the mid bass on most open baffle speakers? 

@mofojo I don't listen to that genre of music.  Anyways, I heard open baffle bass on Emerald Physics CS2s and was just mesmerized.  I listen to jazz 85%, new age 10%, and classical 5%.