Indispensable Tool!

Here is an indispensable tweak that delivers on its promise! After a couple of passes, use Cut 3 every couple of weeks to "perk up" your system.

I'm in no way affiliated with Tellurium Q.





The Ayre disc intrigues me. I’m willing to spend $20 to try it, despite the cat-calls from the peanut gallery.

I consider myself lucky in that a dealer friend brought over a bunch of ICs when I was first getting into audio. He just said "try them". He didn’t tell me the price or what to expect. I could clearly hear differences even though my system wasn’t very resolving. It would seem that, once one gets into the habit of deciding ahead of time, absent any listening, what works or doesn’t, it’s extremely difficult to extricate oneself. Apparently, the only consolations to be had are congratulating oneself for one’s (supposed) intellectual superiority and accusing those who are not similarly afflicted of being fools.

@stuartk Peanut Gallery...the original trolls...I like that. For $20 it's worth it to hear for yourself. I was skeptical of it all those years ago until I tried it and now try to use it at least twice a year. Like rodman9999 said, it's great for breaking in components.

All the best,

Naysayers are so predictable.

Naysayers said the Wright Brothers were nuts.

Igor Sikorsky was out of his mind.

Sir Frank Whittles engine will never work.

Been using the Densen Demagic, it’s been around for a long time. Sometimes it affects the highs a bit, sometimes not.