What is meant exactly by the description 'more musical'?

Once in awhile, I hear the term 'this amp is more musical' for some amps. To describe sound, I know there is 'imaging' and 'sound stage'. What exactly is meant by 'more musical' when used to describe amp?


@immatthewj that would only be because they didn't have the right (more efficient) speakers to go with it. So that would also mean that someone into classical wouldn't be satisfied either unless they got more efficient speakers as well.

@atmasphere  , although I have tried, classical is not my thing; but if it was and I wanted to hear The William Tell Overture (I hope I got that right) at what was a satisfying level, I wouldn't be looking at low powered SET stuff.  And I wouldn't be looking at the low powered SET stuff if I was into death metal either.  And most of the posts from the metal guys that do post here, seem like they are into the big SS stuff.  I am not saying that I don't think tubes can do metal, but I am saying that I don't think 15 wpc or less is going to do what the average metal guy wats it to do.

You express so bad faith or stubborness i dont know it is hard to correct all you say...

"Musical" in acoustics is not defined by deaf 50 years old rockers who dream to put walls of Jericho fall down again ...And doing this will put atmasphere tube amplifiers in the trash bin and will bought 5,000 watts amplifier to do so BECAUSE THIS IS THEIR TASTE ...

I assume you are referring to me?

Nope i was refering to your own example of taste when people listening heavy metal may PREFER BY THEIR TASTE as you yourself claimed , may prefer to pick more powerful amp than atmasphere amp ... Do you remember ? You misread always to win a point because you have put NO ARGUMENT save insulting people as quack , or as words babble... Me or any acoustician i recommend in video or articles..


By the way i never said that atmasphere amplifier are the only good design on the market... This is your usual misreading of my post...

What you said was, to paraphrase, that the definition of "more musical" was to upgrade gear or room acoustics, and if you had an Atmasphere amp, there is no need to upgrade that any further. If you want to dispute that, I can go back to that post that I am pretty sure I have in quotes (so you will be unable to delete it) and show it to you.

Now another misreading of my intentention and post to put me as a mere customer of atmasphere and promoter of his publicity...

If you read my posts i spoke about ANY relatively good design piece of gear even at low cost is ENOUGH to start acoustical experiments... And if someone own an atmasphere amplifier it is certainly enough ..bad faith exist when someone distort the intention of someone to gain a point ..

You get it ?

I get that until just within the last half dozen posts you could not provide any definition of "more musical" except for a bunch of mumbo-jumbo you seemed to concoct at will.

You will never get it because you dont want to get it...

I said multiple times that "musical" refer not to words as when you try to use the Webster Merriam dictionary to contradict me ( ignoring the historical context related to these words harmonious and euphonic by the way ) but "musical" refer to acoustical parameters controls in a room with a human perceiving subject doing experiment for his own sake or being a voluntary in psychoacoustics investigations about the conditions necessary for a "more musical experience" ...

I presume my answer is a word salad for you ... 😊

Psychoacoustics rule audio gear not the reverse...

Psychobabble rules the greater percentage of your posts.

Effectively here you shine at your best : insulting...


buy a book ...

I have no need. I didn’t ask the question and I find the sound of my gear with good source material to be pleasing and harmonious.

Now you end this postings criticism of us by admitting the truth...

you dont need to understand... Your crocodile taste is enough it seems ...other people are only "quack" who spew "babbles" .. You acted as a troll in this thread willing to be one or not... And you put nowhere a single argument against atmasphere claim or against mine......

You are not ashame to appear "empty" as a senile patient repeating "what means more musical" without end and repeating that we do not say nothing even when i refer to many acoustics concepts and many possible experiments.... At the end of this discussion as the troll you are you spew the truth : you dont mind and you dont care , your system room is musical for you thats enough...

But all people here are not trolling the thread and some want to know what atmasphere or dr. Edgar Choueiri had to say about what is "more musical" and they dont want a senile person or a troll repeating that all that is written here is "babble for quack" because YOU LIKE YOUR SYSTEM ROOM AS IT ISAND IT IS ENOUGH ...

And anyone be it atmasphere or the two acousticians i suggested to read are quacks... The world end behind your back and in front of your nose concerning what is "musical" , no need of acoustics, you are very happy and dont mind about ANY UNDERSTANDING  and dont give a damn about  anyone who want to understand anyway  in this thread really ...

Do you get it ?

 But some  people read this thread to LEARN ...They will appreciate...




I have two tube amps, a Reisong A10 SET that puts out 6 watts a side and a Muzishare X7 push/pull which does 35 or 45 a side depending on the mode. Both will play to uncomfortable levels with efficient speakers if desired. What is an average metal head anyway? I don’t think one exists! :) All I know is I like it loud when the party is going but otherwise I sit and enjoy my music at reasonable levels.

I should also add that I have other higher powered SS amps also (Naim and Carver) but prefer the tube set up for metal and everything else for that matter.  

Now another misreading of my intentention and post to put me as a mere customer of atmasphere and promoter of his publicity...

Speaking of senile, I guess you forgot your own post.

"More musical" means an upgrade of gear or /and upgrade of room acoustics...

If you own atmasphere top amplifier for example which is designed in account of some psychoacoustics facts, then you may try to upgrade instead of his already TOP amplifier a low cost speakers to a better one ,

You acted as a troll in this thread willing to be one or not... And you put nowhere a single argument against atmasphere claim or against mine......

So I am a troll because I asked you for your definition of "more musical" and until very recently you couldn't do anything but concoct meaningless word-jumbo?  I asked Atmasphere what his definition of "more musical" was and he actually provided one without quoting a ton of meaningless bullsh!t.  I have no argument with that, except that I believe that one's choice of speakers and that the amp in front of those speakers will have an effect on how well it reproduces a certain genre of music.

I said multiple times that "musical" refer not to words as when you try to use the Webster Merriam dictionary to contradict me

In truth, contradicting you is way easier than going to Mirriam Webster.

You are not ashame to appear "empty" as a senile patient repeating "what means more musical" without end and repeating that we do not say nothing even when i refer to many acoustics concepts and many possible experiments.... At the end of this discussion as the troll you are you spew the truth : you dont mind and you dont care , your system room is musical for you thats enough...

I remember quite a while ago, someone compared you and your rants to a character in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest."  At the time, that was another post that made me laugh and I gave the poster of that one a "+100" and as I recall, you reacted badly to that as well.  Seriously though, what you have in common with an institutionalized mental patient is that you exist in a world of your own making that is contradicted by reality.  I was not the OP who asked the question: "what is meant by more musical" and until quite recently you couldn't even come close to providing an answer.  I had to continually tell you that your answers were nonsensical and to try again.  Hopefully the exercise was therapeutic for you.  It was a waste of my time because I am already happy with the musicality of my system.  I can sit back and enjoy what it reproduces.

Effectively here you shine at your best : insulting...

Are you familiar with that old saying about those who live in glass houses?  Or the put calling the kettle black?

Do you get it ?

 But some  people read this thread to LEARN ...They will appreciate...

Hey, I appreciate!  Reading your stuff can be extremely entertaining.  You have made me laugh more than once today!  Keep up the good work!








I have two tube amps, a Reisong A10 SET that puts out 6 watts a side and a Muzishare X7 push/pull which does 35 or 45 a side depending on the mode. Both will play to uncomfortable levels with efficient speakers if desired. What is an average metal head anyway? I don’t think one exists! :) All I know is I like it loud when the party is going but otherwise I sit and enjoy my music at reasonable levels.

Sorry about the average metal head comment.  I was going by the guys I hung with back in my head banging days and the metal guys who post here.  Not that there are many of them, but the posts that I have read from the ones that do do not seem to be interested in tubes.  As I remember, they were all talking about lots of SS stuff.  I prefer the sound of tubes my self, and I am currently listening to a Cary with a six EL34s per side.  It is switchable between 50 wpc of push-pull triode and 100 wpc of ultralinear.  I almost cannot remember the last time I had it in ultralinear, but my tastes have changed a lot since then.  It is not the only tube amp I have ever owned, and I am not sure it is the best sounding (but it's at least close) as prior to it I had a pair of ARC VTM120s that were serious rockers or could whisper sweet and quiet.  But their reliability (or lack thereof)  was a factor, and I used to cross my fingers and grit my teeth when I flipped the switches and I kept a soldering iron close by.  I still have my very first tube amp, a sweet little Cary SLA 70.  It was sweet but the sound was not as "big" and it was not as dynamic.  However, coupled with the right preamp, I would have described it as "musical."  "Harmonious and enjoyable to listen to." 

With all that last typed, and back to your SET, from all that I have read up until today low wpc SET would not be my choice if I liked meal and I liked it loud.  I am not saying that I do not believe you or Atmasphere, but I guess before I was convinced, I'd have to hear it for myself.  Which is one of those many things that probably will not happen in this life time.