Indispensable Tool!

Here is an indispensable tweak that delivers on its promise! After a couple of passes, use Cut 3 every couple of weeks to "perk up" your system.

I'm in no way affiliated with Tellurium Q.




I love how people who support edgy tweaks compare themselves to the Wright brothers or Galileo. Those people had scientific knowledge they were applying to a new or newly evolving field. They were not just trying every suggestion they got from the peanut gallery.

It’s fine to talk about these things. It’s another to call everyone who tries to instill a little scientific sanity a troll. Did you ever consider that maybe the science and engineering oriented posters are really Galileo in this instance and you’re the ones yelling "burn the witch!"

Hyperbole added for effect. Just some food for thought.

For clarity, it is not my belief that just because something hasn't yet be scientifically explained that it is impossible. However then the burden lies with the theorizers to provide a scientific explanation or face skepticism.  I mean, do what you want, but don't attack other people who think it's silly unless you have solid scientific points to make. 

It is better to be wrong because we have too much imagination than to be right because we lack of imagination...

Think about it...


Then write why this is so in a few words...


A cue : repeated knowledge and applied is good engineering, but sometimes we must innovate or play... It is called experimenting ...

My cue say too much...😁


No doubt imagination is part of scientific discovery.  Can't say otherwise!  It just ultimately has to be more than that. 

No you have it in reverse...

Knowledge or science use and benefit from active imagination but cannot replace it or even do without it...

Then ultimately it cannot be more than that... The only exception is specialization of knowledge and applied knowledge coming from specialization .... But knowing everything about a detail is like knowing nothing... True science and poetry walk together...

Buckminster Fuller an architect and an engineer of the highest creativity think so ...Freeman Dyson too ...We need good engineer with not too much imagination yes but... We need more visionary if not we are stall where we are ...


No doubt imagination is part of scientific discovery. Can’t say otherwise! It just ultimately has to be more than that.