I have stereo only SACD setup, but will probably try multichannel in the future...
here's an interesting opinion from one of the users
"After some critical listening, I concluded that good original DSD recording multi-channel SACDs are far better than the CDs, in terms of any attribute in geneal (e.g. naturalness, sound stage or holographic imaging, presence, depth, midrange clarity/purity, bass, trible, atmosphrer/liveness, transparency, dynamic contrast, etc
here's an interesting opinion from one of the users
"After some critical listening, I concluded that good original DSD recording multi-channel SACDs are far better than the CDs, in terms of any attribute in geneal (e.g. naturalness, sound stage or holographic imaging, presence, depth, midrange clarity/purity, bass, trible, atmosphrer/liveness, transparency, dynamic contrast, etc