Aurender N150 vs N200

Wondering which one I should do as my first streamer. I.e. how much better is the N200? I was thinking N200 at first, to just do this once, but now thinking (more responsibly), N150 would be good enough for my first.

The rest of the system:

  • DAC -- Denafrips Pontus II
  • Pre -- ARC Ref 5se
  • Amp -- Art Audio Px-25
  • Speakers -- Blumenhofer Genuin FS2

@ghdprentice Thanks! I got a bit busy with life for a while and haven’t been on the forums much in the last quarter, but in trying to get myself back regularly once again. :)

“the Aurender is not a Roon core”

That, right there is a deal breaker! I won’t bother with off the shelf PC or laptop to run Roon core with Aurender. That kinda defeats the purpose and goes against the very principles Aurender built upon, i.e. to keep the noise floor as low as possible.

@lalitk Well, like I said, they do have some other integrations in the works. I’m not sure what that means but I’m looking forward to them.

Speaking of Roon cores, I will have a Synergistic Research Voodoo streamer/server coming around end of month to compare to the Aurender units I have on my floor. You can be sure to hear from me next month when I have it up and running.

I wont give too much away yet and will start another thread in a few days, but I also received the new Aurender AP20 integrated for my floor. I’ll evaluate in detail, but all I will say for now is “WOW!”. :)