A $250 Power Conditioner?

Howard reviews the Puron, which is a small AC power conditioner ($250 USD) "plug" that is distributed by Vera-Fi Audio. It’s said to cleanse the electronic circuit that feeds and audio system. Many tweaks cost a pretty penny for little or no performance increase. Is that the case here?



Ozzy agreed. Love the trolls come out every time, never tried it and don’t have $250 to try it so it has to be BS. 

If you have never tried this device, just shut your pie hole. 


I have tried many parallel filters and sometimes feel they can rob a bit of dynamics and naturalness despite the filter not being in series.

But this ParaSnub sounds interesting. It only targets the SMPS noise?

@tablejockey the QRT does work. My neighbor has 4 in his system. They work quite well, have you ever tried them? Read any of the reviews and tests?