Ripping CDs

I would like to be able to rip CDs. My streamer, Cambridge CXNv2 doesn’t have that capacity. although it can store CDs. What do I need to rip CDs?

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@gowanus, no, I did not know that, but it stands to reason.  I have much less interest in movies than in music, and do not miss the ability to watch DVDs. Except I wish I could view the original versions of the three first Star Wars movies (without the CG additions).

Out of curiosity, what would I do with the ripped DVD content?  What would I play that on/through?


Yes great opportunities for listening.


I find your counterpoint logical but very very unlikely. The cat is out of the bag. I can’t see a way it gets put back in. The world is going digital… it has to, we cannot afford the resources to do physical. Nor can I see single stream   all (Qobuz… Tidal, etc) being broken up into factions… there is too much economy of scale.

rvpiano, if for some reason you're averse to  computers, there's a number of standalone  devices out there which will play, record and rip CDs and store them on their internal drives--the yamaha mcx-1000 comes to mind. i see 'em on ebay for $200. again, you're probably best served to get a pc to do the same thing, but it's an option.


When I rip to .WAV, all I get is a music file. That’s all. I was led to believe that FLAC manages all that stuff and that’s why people like it. In my experience, WAV files don’t support metadata. It’s just a music file…I don’t and haven’t dealt with anything extra.

Bit of a sign of the times when a OP asks about ripping CD’s and much of the talk turns to forget-it-just-stream.
Many albums have been repressed multiple times. With that often comes remasters. By relying solely on a streaming service to the exclusion of your CDs’ contents, you’re throwing knowledge of which album version you can access to the wind, trusting they’ll have the best one, or your favorite one. I realize this detail won’t be a pitfall for everyone, and that’s fine. Many of my favorite album versions to run through the transport come from ripped CD’s, and while tagging them can be mildly troublesome, it beats searching for artists I know in a language I do not know, on a streaming service (for example). There’s no legitimate argument to using streaming to the exclusion of one’s ripped files until streaming services start providing better metadata for their source files or, better still, multiple versions where they exist. Now that would be fun content to surf for discovery!!!

Borrow a laptop with USB 3 so it’ll have enough power for any USB disk drive you get, and go to town. If you have a bit of time, it’s nothing. I’ve done it with every disk I ever owned and as @linnvolk pointed out - you never know when something will vanish from a streaming service for reasons of licensing. Folks talked about the whole universe of film access Netflix used to provide and now, ten years later, you want Marvel? Get Disney. You want Charlie Brown Christmas? Apple. You want non-CGI Star Wars? SOL. How long until certain streaming services begin emphasizing their own versions of Netflix Originals artists / remasters, lol?

I use a 10-year-old laptop and Exact Audio Copy. For albums on which metadata search fails, there’s usually another pressing close enough that I can still get it into my system without a meaningful glitch. Don’t give up on albums - they can still matter.