Recommendation for speaker cable to use with Magico speakers

I ordered a pair of Magico A1 speakers and am seeking a recommendation re the best speaker cable to pair them with. This bedroom system also consists of a Gryphon Diablo 120, and Moon 280D streamer/DAC. The dealer is recommending Transparent Reference, but I don’t won’t the speaker cable to equal the price of the speakers. Does anyone here have experience with Magico speakers. Thanks!

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If you find them lacking extension in the bass Mogami.

Hi - which model do you use? Regards

I use Magico A3's from the first production run. I formerly used Audience AU24SX speaker cables, which were very good, and then tried Silversmith Fidelium's. End of memo; they stay in and won't leave. Outstanding cables and reasonable priced. Neal

One of the appropriately priced JPS Labs speaker cables (an older or a new model) would be a brilliant choice for your setup!  On my main extremely revealing audio system, I use JPS Labs Superconductor 3 speaker cables which I've been using for over 15 years now, with no plans of replacing them.   I just replaced/upgraded all the cables in my entire system except for my JPS Labs Superconductor 3, which gives you an idea of how highly I think of them.