750$ Intel NUC vs $6000 Aurender N200: I don't hear the difference

I finally plunged into the source is as important as the DAC belief that is quite prevalent here and decided to test out Aurender N200. And given I have a very highend DAC, thought if the N200 pans out I would go for the N20 or N30.


I was expecting the N200 to blow away my Intel NUC which is 10th gen, core i7, 8GB and running Roon Rock BUT I am switching back and forth between USB playing the Roon Rock, and Co-axial playing Aurender N200, and I don't hear much of a difference maybe a hair, or not even that.


A few caveats: 1) Roon Rock is playing Quboz, N200 is playing Tidal (I am unable to get Qobuz login to the N200 for reason I don't understand).

2) I am comparing Coaxial on N200, USB on Roon Rock.

Caveat #2 can be ignored because I don't hear a difference between Coaxial and USB output of N200.


So either this is an "Emperor has no clothes" moment or I am missing something big. Any thoughts on what I might be missing before I send this N200 back to the dealer on Monday.


Rest of my system: Nagra TUBE DAC -> Accuphase E-650 -> Devore O96 and all Acoustic Revive wiring. 


”It’s none of your business the cables I decide to buy after hearing them bring so much to the table”

Wow!  Then why post? Why ask us questions as to what we should do?  Sorry man, but just cuz I disagree with you doesn’t mean I have less right to respond to a post. 

One other point: Of course measurements (and science) matter.  Here’s an example.  I live in a temperate region where weather hasn’t materially changed.  My experience tells me weather is not changing, ergo, no climate change.  I mean, I know what I’m experiencing, therefore I must be right.  Or maybe my local weather patterns have changed, but I haven’t bothered to monitor the data closely, so I pronounce “no climate change.”  Either way I’m wrong, even though I’m convinced of my rightness.  So let’s welcome the world of science and measurements, where the phenomena we experience /or don’t - are well explained and understood.  I don’t criticize Newton for ruining my experience of the falling apple.  I thank him for enhancing my understanding of it.  

So yes, I think you’re missing a bunch.  


btw, once again you misrepresent my position.  Your interconnect example is actually consistent with my post - I specifically said that power cables really matter in the analog realm - DACs, amps, preamps.  Do what is your point exactly?

@mdalton was it not you who earlier stated this: 

 I would just note that you may have been a little harsh towards the op here. 

You just told half of this forum they are pissing their money away. I think the shoe is on the other foot.

I am done responding in this thread. 


you gotta be kidding me!  Find one credible authority for your view.  Just one.  

I never said measurements don’t matter.
Judging by several of your posts, you are most likely a beginner in this hobby or someone who’s been around for a while but dismissed listening as a critical, viable and valid means of evaluating audio components and cables. Probably watched a lot of ASR videos on YouTube…that will build this kind of foundation. 

Why post here? To learn. Challenge yourself and your perception you have built up over the years by saying it’s all sciences. Yes it is science that’s a foundation of all of the design and the choices the designers make. But in the end, it’s us, the listeners, who using our ears determine what does and doesn’t sound good to us.