Speaker Cables : Moderate priced

I am about to embark on upgrading speaker cables ( long over due ).  Currently use Tributaries 12 awg UL copper cable.  I need a long run for one speaker ( about 20 feet) and this has impacted the budget.  I hope to spend around 1500 dollars.  Looking for a musical tonally rich sound.  I am not a detail nut.

Looking at the usual options:  triode Wire, Audio Art Copper, Ice Age, Luna cables to name a few.

Wonder what the crowd has experienced in this price range; and open to new suggestions.


Mogami is the cable you use when you either sold your good cables and have the mogami as a backup to hold you over, or are listening to the system that’s on the level of mogami…low-fi or lower tier mid-fi. It has no place in a good system as it will limit its potential. 
I personally prefer Canare 4s11 speaker cables and Blue Jeans interconnects to any Mogami including Studio Gold. They sound fuller and more natural to me. 

Highly recommend Mogami as a primary cable.  My experience is they dont' subtract anything, while high-end speakers rely on some subtraction to create more imaging or detail.  Markertek has both single and quad types.

I would have a careful look at DHLabs cables. These are my goto budget cables and interconnects. Many folks will recommend them, top notch, reasonable cost.

Are these your current speaker cables? They have several desirable attributes such as the type of copper used, the gauge, and the dielectric material, i.e., 12AWG Long-Crystal Oxygen-Free Copper and PE dielectric. What do you expect to improve by switching to different speaker cables?  I doubt you would reliably hear a difference (much less an improvement) between your current cables and any of the suggestions here. I suspect there are other areas of your system where the $1,500 could have a greater (at least audible) impact on the sound of your system.

Back in November, you were interested in tinned copper in cotton speaker cables. Were you ever able to try a pair of those?


@mitch2 +1

that's a wise and solid advice. $1500 can be invested in a better source, preamp, etc. a much better ROI than the speaker cable upgrade