Me: “Neat! What colors do they come in?”
Interesting approach: make the most exotic, visually compelling part of a horn invisible so everyone focuses on the anti-ergonomic skateboarding rail it’s balanced upon.
....and just when you thought you could Finally afford that pair of MBLs'.....
...and your SigOther had agreed that the 2nd on the manse was 'kinda OK..."
Not that SAF improves here...although, like the MBLs' and SOTA stuff of its' ilk....
No, they won't go with French Provincial...but wouldn't block one from noticing the lovely console, no...😏
A shout-out to our Brit'Goners! Has anyone even seen these beyond the showroom windows? Any Fi-Show appearances? An IRL 'are you Experienced'?
'Free Shipping'....I'd hope so... Love the 21st Cen 'Nipper' pic....
...and to round it all out....a mostly clear piano, grand 'natch....