One receiver for both ht and 2 channel (diff speakers)

I'm trying to set up a multi channel ht system. Maybe including height speakers and 2 small subwoofers. I plan to use book shelf size speakers for the ht.

I would also like to run a separate 2 channel system with larger full range floor standers. 

Can I do this using 1 high quality receiver?

If the receiver had a powered zone 2 would this work for the 2 channel?

Or would I need to use preouts with external amp for the 2 channel?


Was thinking about a Marantz 6014


Been there before and unless you are okay with the quality of sound, even a high quality AVR offers, then you might consider going the home theatre bypass route.

That way you can use the front left and right speakers for both HT and two channel.

Only requirements are that the preamp or integrated amp will need to have the HT Bypass option and the AVR will need to be able to "preout" the left and right fronts independently.

There is plenty of information available online and there are a multitude of amplifiers that offer HT bypass functionality.


your best bet is to use a seperate integrated all avrs are compromised devices 

cramming all of those circuits into one box affects musical quality.



Dave and Troy

audio Intellect NJ



AVRs are about the worst thing for two channel audio there is as a category. They can work for home theater because one is distracted from the nuances of of the music. So, one naturally listens much deeper into two channel. 

Purpose built two channel music components sound much better than AVRs in virtually all circumstances. A well chosen source component and integrated amp for your music system will far outperform AVRs.

My Marantz 8805 has a button, "Pure Direct", which shuts down a bunch of the electronically noisy video functions when playing 2 channel audio.  It's a very noticeable difference in sound quality, though I have no comparison with that to a dedicated 2 channel audio amp.  Food for thought if you prefer a single box solution.

Well, the 8805 is just an AV preamp so the best thing would be to do an in-home demo of a good dedicated stereo preamp (that preferably has an HT Bypass input) to see how it compares.  There are definitely stereo pres out there that will far surpass the 8805 in performance, and preamps matter big time so very worth exploring IMHO.  What’s in the rest of your system BTW?