Can Anyone Recommend a Repair Shop in NJ to Fix a Pioneer Elite Blu Ray Player?

My good audiophile friend has a Pioneer Elite Blu Ray player, model BDP-85FD. The power button lights up but nothing else works on the player - display is blank and no other buttons on the player or remote cause the unit to operate.

Can anyone recommend a person or shop in New Jersey or neighboring NY, PA, etc. states that can possibly fix this player? 

Thank you for whatever help and / or insight anyone can provide.


Could be something fundamentally simple

Any computer repair shop could find what is wrong, then have them fix it, order a part have them fix it, or send it to a specialist.

service manual is available on

btw, the lasers do get weak, the ability to find the SACD layer an early sign. If yours has had a lot of use, even though sounds wonderful, consider than relative to repair cost.

when I chose my vintage Sony xa5400es I checked, found replacement laser assemblies were still available


I don’t see any parts listed for yours on hifishark at this time.




One more- Vu Jade Audio, Montville NJ (973.487.6619) ask for Peter.


Happy Listening!

Thank you everyone for your help and recommendations. I've sent out emails requesting service and will let you know the results :-)


Thank You for the follow up. Keep me posted here or PM.


Happy Listening!

Will do and thanks for the referral. Friends and I are looking forward to visiting and listening to their equipment :-)