In addition to whatever switching you need, and volume control, the preamp's job is to effectively control impedance between your source/DAC and your power amplifier including the cables. High input impedance and low output impedance does that. With today's digital sources, preamps in our systems hardly need gain anymore, with the exception of phono sources.
Most preamps affect the sound one way or another. Whatever you like about the sound of your system, choose a preamp that enhances the sound and moves it in the direction you enjoy, without screwing it up. You will know the right one when you hear it.
In my system, I like Steve McCormack's SMc Audio low or no-gain preamps such as the VRE-1 in whatever iteration, which could include the VRE-0.5 or an old TLC-1 that has been upgraded/rebuilt by SMc Audio. I have tried other SS preamps including Tom Evan's Vibe/Pulse II, Ayre preamps, GamuT D3i, Muse Signature, and the AVC preamps, Acoustic Imagery Jay-Sho and icOn 4Pro. The Tom Evans did nothing wrong and the AVC preamps were nice sounding and interesting, but the SMc preamp I own is by far my favorite.