@hilde45 "2. I recently compared two SS preamps and heard differences between them."
If one of those preamps was more neutral than the other then you may have been hearing the cumulative effects of your source, amp and wires rather than contributions from the preamp. Two solid state preamps come to mind that others have described (in other forums here and in reviews elsewhere) as neutral or near-neutral and very transparent are the Benchmark LA-4 and the Holo Audio Serene. These should enable you to compare amps better than your tubed preamp. I recently removed an excellent solid state preamp from the chain and was amazed by what I heard. Now I am trying to decide if I should keep the preamp out of the chain and only use it when I listen to my phono front end, look for a different, completely neutral preamp, or go for a tubed preamp to ADD certain colorations that are desirable TO ME. Tough one.