Sub $2,000 Integrated Amp Recommendations

I currently have Klipsch Forte iv speakers, SVS 3000 Micro Subwoofer, Mofi StudioDeck with a master tracker and the Mofi StudioPhono going into my Denon pma-600ne and a WiiM mini. I've considered options below but really open to anything other than tube amps.  

  • Music Fidelity A1 and M3si
  • Leak 130 or 230
  • ARCAM Radia A25 
  • Cambridge CXA81
  • Audiolab 7000A

I am sure I can do much better than the Denon, that can be overly warm and muddy at times. 




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I'd go for that musical fidelity A1...that's one great amp, and class A. It should have no issue driving klipsch. There's a few very good reviews on YouTube, audiophiliac and the British audiophile. 

How about a used Primaluna.  Maybe a Dialogue would be at that price range and you get the nice sound of tubes that aren’t too syrupy.