InnuOS Sense 2.6.0.

The update contains a major upgrade to Sound quality. My Zenith Mk3 sings like never before. Any similar experiences?


My screen name has nothing to do with political issues.  It was coined in 1992 by a girlfriend -- unfortuneately, and by mistake, I omitted the "h" from the original nickname in a note.  The misspelling stuck.  But I do like the improvement in SQ brought about by the 2.6 update.

There is also a line of dots on the right-hand side of your "Albums" page that allows you to go directly to a particular line of album covers.  You can touch a dot and it will tell you what letter you're at if your albums are sorted alphabetically by artist, like mine, or you can slide your pointer down the dots and it will tell you what letter you are passing.  Stop your pointer when the letter you want pops up and it goes to the albums by artists whose names begin with that letter.  That's not a very good description but it's a nice feature and new to me.  It saves a lot of scrolling through your albums.

I have an Innuos Zenith Mark 3 & tried to do the update but it froze up during the process & the unit wouldn’t boot up at all., contacted support & they were quick to respond, set up a personal time to live chat & logged into the unit & oversaw the update. Took less than one hour & & has worked flawlessly since then w/ a noticeable improvement in overall body & weight to the music w/ a Border Patrol DAC, Rogers High Fidelity integrated amp & Volti Audio Rivals. 

I really like the Innuos & proved to have excellent customer support! Highly recommended!!!

@thyname Tidal "Max" is their streaming service tier that offers at least CD quality (16-bit/44.1KHz) files, and for roughly 10% of their catalog, it offers higher resolution streams at up to 24-bit/192KHz. 

Like John Darko often says on his YouTube channel, the devil in the details is that the "best" most services can offer is still CD quality (which isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination), while about 10% can be higher quality. 

Is it worth the price difference?  That's up to you.  I'm on their Hi-Fi tier (CD quality) and am happy. 

They are also in the process of removing MQA encoded content and replacing it with higher resolution FLAC files. 

My $64K question to them (which they probably won't ever answer) is whether the CD quality files I stream are ones given to them "as is" from the record labels, or are they re-encoded ones from their earlier MQA files?  

I'd like to know that the files I'm streaming are the same as I'd get from a commercially bought Redbook CD, but I don't have the software or equipment to verify that.