"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


Humming as health and relaxing practice must be done lips closed and the voice must stay on one note at a confort pitch level for the people doing the humming ... After some few deep slow respirations, we must hum 5 times to reap the benefits...

Interestingly, humming produces a massive increase in nitric oxide levels in the sinuses. Nitric oxide is incredibly important for body and brain in numerous ways.

For sure aside from sound/singing meditative practice , humming was used by all mothers with singing to calm and soothe the child...

Then save for spiritual and health practice, humming is a social grounding reinforced bonding deeply engrammed in the subconscious mind ...






The fact that musical experience is able to induce "mystical" experience of change in the consciousness levels is not something associated with a low level information content and communication, as a shaking encounter with some unknown and imprevisible event or as with a surprize schock resulting from a totally new phenomenon.

On the opposite musical experience elevate and increase the understanding levels of consciousness to new heights in an incremental way...

Music can introduce us to the transcendant experience not by decreasing intelligence level and consciousness level like alcool putting us to sleep, in the opposite music increase our intelligence and consciousness perception levels.

Read about this analysis content of Bach music :

