"The Mystery Of Sound Is Mysticism"


The fact that musical experience is able to induce "mystical" experience of change in the consciousness levels is not something associated with a low level information content and communication, as a shaking encounter with some unknown and imprevisible event or as with a surprize schock resulting from a totally new phenomenon.

On the opposite musical experience elevate and increase the understanding levels of consciousness to new heights in an incremental way...

Music can introduce us to the transcendant experience not by decreasing intelligence level and consciousness level like alcool putting us to sleep, in the opposite music increase our intelligence and consciousness perception levels.

Read about this analysis content of Bach music :






The most amazing musical instrument I have ever encountered was the voice of a girlfriend of mine in college 5 decades ago. This was just her everyday conversational voice. She was not a "singer" as such, but everyone thought she was singing all the time. "Music" doesn't have to be counted or prefigured. It can come spontaneously flowing out of anything at all which is its best surprise.