I want to replace the router/modem Comcast with a high quality for streaming

I wish to purchase a modem/ router for streaming high quality audio. Any suggestions? It must be compatible with Comcast/Xfinity


Time Warner was nearly the death of me and then we moved and Comcast was worse.

A somewhat germain remark to add here...I heard a while back ago that Time Warner, Comcast, Verizon, etc. had a lower approval rating than congress. That still true?  

Hello Fastfreight,

Regarding your Verizon Fios G-3100 router, I had difficulty matching the barrel size of the DC cable from LPS that I tried to power the router with. Seemed like DC plug was closest to 2.8mm but not exactly. Do you know what size barrel the plug is? I may try the LPS again. 




Based on my experience what worked for me has been:

1. Put audiophile grade network switch in front of your streamer - I use LHY8

2. Put the best network cable between the audiophile switch and streamer - I use Revelation Audio Labs cable. totally awesome cable, imo

3. Use very good power cords for both the streamer / switch and feed good electricity

4. use non-audiophile grade switches to avoid using a long ethernet cables. by doing this, it lowers noise I found. 

5. If you had something like Synergistic Research Pod, put it on top of non-audiophile switch. It smooths the sound. I use one and it has made definitive improvement

Something I should add to my story for folks who don't think that everything can matter. As far as I know my wifi was just fine but we got a notice from Xfinity that they wanted to come out and address some issue that could lead to a future outage. Never heard that before but said ok and made the appt. The guy comes out and all he did was change out the coaxial cable from the splitter that divides modem and cable box. I was previously getting speeds in the 60-80 mb range after the change of cable always over 200 just now measured 261 mbps a radical and unexpected improvement!

Another vote for the Netgear Nighthawk router.  When I moved back to the big city, the wife ordered Spectrum. As soon as it was installed, I unhooked their wireless router and put in the Nighthawk.  The wife can watch all the TV she wants and I can stream all the Hi-Rez tunes I want.