Volume levels

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I find that I have to boost the volume levels more when I play records softly than when I listen to digital softly. I find that at low levels, records do not equal the intensity that low levels on digital do even if they emit the same number of decibels. I find that I’m forced to listen to analog more loudly to achieve the same measure of SQ.

How about you?



 Phono stage Sutherland 20/20

Cartridge Clearaudio Virtuoso, soon to be Maestro

Phono stage Sutherland 20/20

Cartridge Clearaudio Virtuoso, soon to be Maestro

If you're at the 40dB gain setting, try 46dB.

In the morning before my ears have been assaulted with the cacophony of everyday life, I find lower volumes sound great.



Since one of our 2 felines ’discovered’ that my ear aids was ’available for interest’....and found the earpiece (molded to fit my canal) cracked on the floor and the BTE portion under a table...

Listening ’Left channel Only’ in my personal biological state hasn’t much appeal, limited to phones with the eq +/- matching the Rx.....

Which cat? Interrogation has yielded nil....Demand for feeding or TLC undiminished....’Cat Stew’ not an option....

Oh, well....time for a new pair, anyway.....

Where does my ’phile $’s go?

To my head.... 😒😏