How big of a step up do I need to make with my turntable to take full advantage of the other components in my system?
Congrats to your ’find’. I know exactly what you mean 😊
I reckon that you already got some valuable advice from other members.
I for myself can imagine that with the following minimum amounts you should reach your goal.
Turntable 2.5k
Cartridge 1.5k
Phono preamp 1.5k
Of course, sky is the limit.
Regarding a ’simple’ setup: You will need to invest some time to mount the cartridge correctly. No big deal. Just do it relaxed and follow the basic rules. No hush hush.
As elliottbnewcomjr has mentioned this topic in his comment. Otherwise, you will not be able to profit from the hardware update as you really could.
Enjoy the (hopefully) upcoming journey.