Best cable placement

Looking for the best placement of my IC cable. I have a Transparent Audio Ultra MM IC cable and a Transparent Audio Ultra MM2 IC cable.  I am connecting Mark Levinson No 30.6 Processor to my Mark Levinson No 32 Pre  Amp.  I also want to connect from my Pre Amp to my Mark Levinson No 336 Amp.  Where should I put my MM2 cable (the better cable) from the source to the Pre Amp or from the Pre Amp to the Amp? 

My speakers are 801D4 and speaker cables are Transparent Audio Ultra Gen5 bi-wire. 



I’ve tried this both ways and found putting the better or more revealing cable closest to the source was much better.  Of course it’s easy for you to just try for yourself and see what you think. 

When I was upgrading I upgraded ICs source to pre then pre to amp.  Did the same with power cables by the way.

In my experience, it all depends on the synergy. In most cases in my system(and different variations of it), the best cable made the biggest difference between preamp and amp. But because it can also reveal the shortcomings upstream, experiment and hear for yourself what it does and where it sounds best. 



+1 I’d use this as a starting point. I would leave it in my system that way for a couple weeks at least. Until you know the sound completely… two months is good as well. Then switch them. To me this kind of comparison is the way to hear subtle differences. 



From my source (DAC) into my preamp has made the most significant improvement by far. What is lost from the source can't be made up elsewhere.