I just recently added an Apple TV to my system and a PS Audio Digital Link III with level IV Cullen mod both connected with an Audioquest Optilink 5 toslink cable. I have been really surprised with the sonic results. I would say the combination has been on par with the Ayre CX-7e CD player it replaced with maybe not quite as much bass articulation but definitely very detailed. Spatial resolution is also pretty darn close to the Ayre.
I will add though that I saved all my CD's as Apple Lossless files, not MP3 so I would be suspicious that part of the problem may be the compressed audio files you are using. It's been a while since I have listened to MP3 files in my system and I certainly wouldn't describe them as grossly distorted but they were lacking in ultimate sound quality. I would think also that even if you use MP3 files that a dedicated external D/A converter can only help matters as compared to the internal D/A's in the Apple devices, although I have not listened to the analog outputs of the Apple TV to compare.
I say give it a shot. Use the Apple TV with the analog outputs and if you are not crazy about the sound explore getting an external D/A converter. I don't think the Apple TV will be the weak link used as a digital transport.
If you are going to use an Apple TV you will probably want to get the 160 gb version. I have saved roughly 320 CD's in Apple Lossless and it has taken up apx. 95 gb. If you have wi-fi you may want to also consider using an iPod touch with the remote application. It allows you to navigate the apple tv without having to have a monitor or TV on. I love this feature
I will add though that I saved all my CD's as Apple Lossless files, not MP3 so I would be suspicious that part of the problem may be the compressed audio files you are using. It's been a while since I have listened to MP3 files in my system and I certainly wouldn't describe them as grossly distorted but they were lacking in ultimate sound quality. I would think also that even if you use MP3 files that a dedicated external D/A converter can only help matters as compared to the internal D/A's in the Apple devices, although I have not listened to the analog outputs of the Apple TV to compare.
I say give it a shot. Use the Apple TV with the analog outputs and if you are not crazy about the sound explore getting an external D/A converter. I don't think the Apple TV will be the weak link used as a digital transport.
If you are going to use an Apple TV you will probably want to get the 160 gb version. I have saved roughly 320 CD's in Apple Lossless and it has taken up apx. 95 gb. If you have wi-fi you may want to also consider using an iPod touch with the remote application. It allows you to navigate the apple tv without having to have a monitor or TV on. I love this feature