Finally...subwoofer that's aesthetically pleasing!

Saw these in a trade mag.

$750K for the set according to the article.

If one has the wallet for this kind of excess-HELL YEAH!

I personally think a pair of the old Stradivari would compliment the subs more than the Suprema towers. Perhaps not a sonic match, but that would only be a $20/30K goof-put those in the guest room.

I have to contact SF to see if they’ll sell another pair of subs for my SWARM setup.

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Suprema Tech Specs | Sonus faber



@erik_squires : I have Snell Type A’s. Original price was like $1390. I bought them from the original owner after his passing. He bought them from the Connecticut audio store I worked for. I paid $500 + $400 USPS to ship the A’s in four boxes to Florida. There are bargains to be found on the used market!

Sadly in the press release you could see the scan speak sticker on that midrange. Good brand but at ludicrous prices I expect them to be made of fairy dust.  

The good news is that my ancient speakers use all scanspeak drivers and I am putting them up for sale for only $740,000.

Price is fair and firm.  Cheapskate lowball offers will be politely ignored.



As an avid DIYer, I’m still really not a fan of arm-chair audiophiles taking a speaker apart based on whether or not they can find some of the drivers in a catalog or not.

They think "Oh, this is made by (Faital, ScanSpeak, Seas) so it must be garbage and over priced" , but the reality is the minimum driver price to sales price is 10:1, and it goes UP to 20:1 or higher once a maker makes their own in house drivers. 

Having said that, I can’t imagine buying a set of speakers for $750,000 unless they come with a stripper pole and multiple bars.

The fit and finish on the Sonus product is really nice. However as is the case with many Italian "designer" goods (Ferrari, Gucci, et al) the prices are jacked up way past the actual value. $750K for subs?  Are there that many people rich enough or foolish enough to plop down $750,000 for these? 

For me I'd rather take that money and build a fabulous listening room and budget $400-500K for some bespoke gear. But that's just one man's opinion. I also like French vanilla ice cream and you may like Dutch chocolate.

Cheers to anybody wo has earned enough clean cash to afford this stuff!  

Incidentally, I could not find the scanspeak sticker mentioned above on any of the Suprema pictures.  Not sure if it was a joke or not.