Building your music digital music collection

Hello all, just looking for some pointers on how to go about building your own storage library of music which is better than digital streaming (tidal/qobuz). I guess it is the uncompressed wav files or maybe dsd where applicable. From what I understand Flac is compressed. 

I am doing just streaming now, but I think having offline collection and room might be useful. 


Having collected albums then CDs, then ripped files for fifty years and now streaming I can see no reason to be storing music, other than if you like playing with computer files. Ripping and/or buying files was the first couple decades of this century… by and large is over.

FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio CODEC. It is lossless. Qobuz offers more than half a million high resolution titles as well as millions FLAC red book resolution. So streaming can sound better than red book.


I build my library using Conductor (the Aurrender streamer App.) by choosing “add to my library” each time I locate an album I like. I have to admit, I now seldom use it because I spend virtually all of my time exploring new music or just following a whim through the millions of albums available on Qobuz.


I see no reason to store files. If the system that provides our music goes down, we'll have much larger problems.

Yeah, I too question your premise that ripped music will sound better than uncompressed music from the likes of Qobuz and Tidal.  And as @ghdprentice mentioned, and especially with Qobuz, you can get tons of music in hi res in addition to full 16/44.1 CD resolution.  Personally I think building an offline library is a waste of time, but that’s me.

I ripped my cd collection, other wise it’s LPs or stream from Q.

@hilde45 what if Q goes down not the entire inter web?