A valentine poem to tubes

Roses are red, but the music is warm,
Glowing tubes delivering sweet sonic charm.
Strings sing so sweet,
Bass vibrates your feet,
Each note's a caress in this audio balm.

Transistors may boast an efficiency claim,
But tubes whisper secrets, ignite passion's flame.
Harmonics alight,
Textures take flight,
A soundstage expansive, defying all name.

So crank up the volume, let melodies flow,
With each blooming ripple, emotions aglow.
Roses may fade,
But the music that's made,
Is a love song, eternal, which kind tubes did sow.


Tubes are nice
They glow in the dark.
With the right wine
A romance may spark.


Roses are red

violets are blue

when I listen to Alice in Chains

my neighbors do too. 

Until Class D

With some fancy DSP

Some solid state

But mostly

It's tubes for me

These are great!

Ok, this is too mean by half but...

There once was a solid-state boob
Who ridiculed fussy red tubes.
Till one day, at leisure,
He imbibed their sweet pleasure
And understood he was the rube.

And the retort from the SS folks:

Tube folks love second harmonics --
distortion -- which they call a tonic.
The solid state gang
Just sighs with a pang
At addictions so desperately chronic.