Cueing Lever Issue - Repairable or Replace?

Hi - I have a Music Hall MMF 7.3 turntable - only about 14 months old. When new and the tonearm was lowered, the cueing lever slowly dropped and stopped just shy of the plinth. Since that time, the lever now rests directly ON the plinth once lowered. This makes it somewhat difficult to grasp and has caused me to, at times, disturb the tonearm when attempting to raise the lever. Is this repairable or does the entire cueing mechanism need to be replaced?






Most every cuing device I’ve ever seen is height adjustable. Look for set screws on yours usually they’re tiny and have an Allen head. Sounds like yours may have come loose.


As Lewm says above. Just be careful that you don’t raise it too much or the arm will not drop.

On 2 of my TT’s the cueing lever sits very close to the plinth. So I use a wooden chop stick to raise the lever. Works quite well. Trimmed the stick to 4 inches long.

Joe  Nies

It is also possible that the lever slipped. In addition to raising the height check to see if the lever has a set screw. If it does you may be able to adjust it.  

Set screw is what I was describing but yeah. Can be 2 set screws, one for height and one for angle or fit viscosity 

Thanks for all the feedback thus far. Unfortunately, there does not appear to be any set screw(s) on the lever...