Solid State Low powered Amplifiers

My quest is to find a SS low powered amplifier to use in the Summer months, in place of Tube and Class A amplification … I have Klipsch Cornwall 4s and limited AC in my hot TN listening room for 4-5 months. I know it will be hard to match the sound I get from tube and Class A …on a solid-state amp and I am wondering if I’m looking in the right place for a “10 W per channel” solid-state amplifier which I don’t even know if they make. The Cornwall speakers are 102 DB sensitivity.


@moose89 from your OP it’s unclear if you want a SS integrated, or just a power stage.


I used KT 66- and 88-based integrated’s for some years until I fatigued of the amount of waste heat and tube lifespan (+ listening windows) lost to warmup time.


I am still using the older SS integrated I picked up due to its similarity (to me) in sound to the tube amps, and with pretty high efficiency speakers (~99 dB if not calculated slightly lower for a minor discrepancy in frequencies > 6 kHz).


So, integrated, or power amp being what you prefer here?

The Schiit Aegir 2 should be released before the end of the month. It sounds like they are playing with very low feedback. The Output Impedance is .8ohm… Damping Factor of 10. It’s 25w/ channel into 8 ohms.

With that low Output Impedance, I expect it to be very musical and plan to buy one.  Price with tax & shipping probably puts it right at $1000… maybe a few bucks less. I have a hunch it’s going to be a special unit for not a lot of money. 

I am in exact same situation.  Class D is now competitive in many areas with Class A/B AND Class A.

Listen to the low end FOSI V3 and a high end purifi amp.  I think you will be stunned how good they sound.


You want the Class D amps with the new feedback topology that eliminates the rise in distortion at higher frequencies.  


that schitt unit has the advantage of allowing bridged mono use, thus in the future, there, or somewhere else, you can get another unit to drive ____ speakers

@jim2 An output imp. of 0.8 ohm is not low for a PA. Even the original Aegir is 10 times lower and, as such, a damping factor of 100.  Why would Schiit lower DF? 

The Schiit Aegir 2 should be released before the end of the month. It sounds like they are playing with very low feedback. The Output Impedance is .8ohm… Damping Factor of 10.