Cleaning cd lens ?

Is it wise to open the unit and clean the lens? I have a Marantz DV9500 that will not play all cds. I suspect lens is dirty. Besides a q tip what should I use for liquid ?
Acetone attacks some plastics such as plexiglas. I'd be careful with that, as the lens is plastic. I use a lite swab of windex.
Thanks for the tip but I just read the ingredients on my bottle of 70% isopropyl alcohol and it states 70% isopropyl alcohol and 30% water - nothing else. I do get the sale stuff so I would have to assume that more expensive alcohol may contain stabilizers, perfume oils or color additives. My stuff is clear. I wouldn't think the stabilizers are a problem but could be wrong. I also use it for cleaning my air cleaners.

Maxell and a few others sell a lens cleaning disk for about $20.00 probably available at Best Buy or similar store. The disk has a fine brush attached. You insert the disk as a normal CD, then run it for about 20 seconds.
Cheap, simple, safe and it works.
I agree with Theo.

Sony state quite clearly to their technicians in the two SACD Service Manuals I have (SCD-C333ES, SCD-XA777ES) that the only acceptable method is compressed air.

I have a rotel 855 that skips,do you think the compressed air might work or is player to old?