If space is an issue, I’d consider using a set of Swarm subs made by Audiokinesis. The advantage here is that the subs are meant to be as close to the wall as possible and will give you 20Hz response without big peaks or nulls in the room.
Then it gets a lot easier to choose your main speakers since they don’t have to play deep bass. Something that can go to 60Hz suits nicely. That ’magic’ you’re looking for comes from the speaker being higher efficiency. If space is an issue, perhaps DeVore Fidelity?
Stay away from ’full range’ drivers if that driver is the only driver in the box. At low levels they can sound quite good, but the highs tend to be beamy and if you turn up the volume, Doppler Effect distortion really messes up the presentation. They will work quite well though if the bass is rolled off by a crossover and a tweeter is used to handle the highs.