that’s an example of “petitio principii” (assuming the original point). The OP and some others seem to have experienced quite good, “audiophile” results using their phones. I myself would never use a phone as my streamer because a modern IPhone is overkill for what is actually a very simple process - assuming functions like reclocking, up sampling or DSP are done elsewhere - requiring a very simple computer. Current iPhones run at 3.5 ghz, the Raspberry Pi is 1.5 ghz, and the Apollo 11 computer ran at .043 mhz (lol!).
When I first got serious about streaming, I built my own RPi streamer as a learning experience. I don’t think being an audiophile should be equated to some level of expenditure (though I’ve spent a fair amount, admittedly). But I think alot of audiophiles are a little intimidated by servers, streamers and the like because they involve technology that is not intuitive for most of us. And I believe that there are companies out there that take advantage of that, and market products that may not do what we want to believe they do.
The number of times I hear non-experts (like me!) say that something is less noisy, or “lowers the noise floor”, and then dismiss actual test results showing something different is incalculable. That’s why I think threads like this, conducted in a civil way, are important. We should have these conversations. That’s what audiophiles do. Respectfully.