My question is how do the magnetic AS devices in various tonearms work? Are they all the same, where obviously there is a magnet and either a second magnet oriented so that opposite poles attract or a piece of iron, such that the two fixed points attract each other, or is it more complicated? If magnetic AS is simply based on magnetic attraction, then the force grows stronger as the two points get closer together or conversely weaker as the two fixed elements separate.
I guess neither you nor I want to revisit the "discussion" about the Viv tonearm, but I have to wonder why you (and others like Mijo) are so sure that the enhanced tracking angle error of an underhung tonearm with no offset is so much worse in terms of "distortion" than the enhanced skating force of an overhung pivoted tonearm with offset. It’s a cop out to say that those who like the Viv are merely unable to hear distortion or that they "like" it. Funnily enough, I would say that the main character of the Viv is a sense that there is LESS distortion, not more.