BTO Not Fragile

I remember when I was a kid, maybe 5th or 6th grade, listening to music (vinyl) in my cousin’s basement and hearing BTO’s Not Fragile for the first time. I had heard Let It Roll and You Ain’t Seen Nothin Yet on the radio but nothing else. And then only ever on a crappy clock radio or car speaker (not stereo!) My cousin had a small Pioneer-ish system with two separate speakers! Such volume! I was blown away. I could not get those songs out of my head. It was the first album I ever bought with my own money.

I’m listening to Not Fragile tonight for the first time in years. Qobuz.

I’m no longer blown away but I’m certainly not bored!

I think the band peaked with this album but in my opinion it is one heck of an album taken all together. It seems to me the band still gets a fair amount of air play on classic rock stations but they never seem to have been taken seriously artistically. I get that the music is very simple. I get that it it is more pop than actual heavy metal. But still, I rank this album right up there in my top 50 or so.

Interested in other’s thoughts.


I still have that album and yes, it is an excellent album that I thought never really got the recognition that it deserved. It’s one of those that just has to be played loud and the recording quality is pretty good! I got to see BTO live at a local bar when i was around 25 and got a blue guitar pick from the bass player, I still have it! I pictured the crate of metal gears on the cover as soon as I read you post. I still remember how I got it. My sisters had lots of records and I was the youngest, living in Brazil. Every so often I would sneak in their rooms and go "record shopping"- lol! Now that we are all in our late 50’s and early 60’s they come to visit and often look through my record collection and lovingly comment on how that record of theirs (among others) mysteriously disappeared! 🤪

In my defense, I tell them that had it not been for me all of those records would be long gone.  They agree because the only ones that survived our countless international moves and the poor way they took care of their records are the ones I confiscated!!!

Sadly I do not have that first album although I suspect it was pretty worn out. It spent a lot of time on the record changer. Remember those? Probably nothing worse for a piece of vinyl.

The box and gears on the album cover where pressed in relief. You could feel them. We thought that was so cool.

Was ok for driving music a long time ago. I really couldn't imagine sitting in front of the stereo listening to it now.

roxy54: Same here but still a good memory.  Funny how our taste in music changes over time...

I also still have that album that I bought when I was in high school. Loved it at the time, but not as enjoyable listening today.  Music tastes change as we get older.