so i used the car example to try to take some of the audiophile mysticism out of the equation. (Another common example is that most people have very different responses to a man with a deep voice saying something, vs. a woman -or man - with a high pitched voice saying the exact same thing.)
But back to my car example: I’m a very experienced driver. I’ve been driving high performance cars - mostly manual transmissions - for almost 40 years. So I have a similar passion there to my audio passion. So maybe it’s not quite as good an analogy for others as it is for me. Regardless, in that case, I know that the science tells me what I’m feeling is not an accurate representation of what’s actually happening. Don’t need to measure it because I don’t have any doubt. I could measure it however, though in this case it would be a pain to do so. My approach to audio is very similar. If I feel something that science - or measurements - tell me is not actually accurate, I don’t reject the science. It helps me sort thru my experiences to weed out those that are not an accurate representation of what is actually occurring. That way, I can spend my money where I can be sure it will make a real difference.
Of course, maybe my car example is telling me not to overthink it. Maybe if I just enjoy the moment, and let myself be carried away by my passion for my hobby, I don’t need to spend much at all, just put my gear thru a $40 monthly wash, lol!