Dear @rauliruegas
To address your points:
I presently have at least 5 MC cartridges. I enjoy each of them, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses, and I do have a favorite, but that’s for another thread.
The SAT and Safir seem to have the best reviews overall, but not many have heard them enough to validly compare to more common tonearms.
I have the Helix One, which I would think would sound very similar to the Helix Two, but those who have A-B’d both say that the Helix One sounds much better. . .how much better, and in what ways? I don’t know. . .but again, that discussion can be reserved for another thread.
I was simply asking about the Viv tonearm because a couple commented about their ownership, so it would be interesting to hear two different perspectives on the tonearm, with respect to timbre of various instruments, sound stage, evenness of sound, etc. . .
I’m content with my system, but I started this thread in the interest of hearing other peoples’ experiences with their different tonearms.