@mijostyn No, the problem is that some, like ebony, have huge peaks and valleys in frequency response. Koetsu uses rosewood, Grado uses Cocobolo, and can make cartridges that sound exquisite - but there are better choices for tonearms.
You say, "There is so much beauty in nature and natural wood that is every bit as functional as panzer holtz." So you say - proof? Evidence? You know -= anything other than assertion?
Oil - yuk! its just rotten remains of plants. And Rembrandt used OIL paint! Yuk Yuk Yuk.
Reed, the tonearm manufacturer, did extentensive testing on metals and exotic woods. They took down many of their test measurements, but some remain available. I tried to link to that part of their site, but was unsuccessful. You might try their site and see.
I’ve used all aluminum and all Panzerholz in a commercial LT, and in my own air bearing LT have compared sapphire, Panzerholz, cocobolo, katalox, and pampas grass for various parts of the wand. Supporting cast includes silk, aluminum, brass, stainless, epoxy. The best is pampas grass / cocobolo / katalox composite, but all Panzerholz is not far behind. I use cocobolo only for the cartridge mount, because I use that wand for a cartridge which is made of cocobolo.
I’m too impatient (and too poor) to do exhaustive comparisons of each part, so theory dictates what gets made into prototypes. Every material has its own characteristics and may be suitable for a different use. I discriminate against none.