Effect of Internet Service Quality on Streaming?

I’ve struggled for a long time with sound getting much, much worse around dinner time, and in some rare cases I don’t get depth, clarity, dynamics and imaging back until around midnight. Like many people I’ve attributed this to noise on my AC lines. But recently I’ve been wondering if maybe internet service quality is at least contributing to the issue in some manner. When I run tests it appears that speed, jitter, and latency are all higher at times when the sound is poor. That got me wondering if anyone knows whether one type of internet service is better than another for HiFi streaming? For example, is ADSL or DSL better, or does it matter? And what about speed? Particularly interested in anyone who has real world experiences from experimenting in this area…

Regarding DSL: I am on DSL from Century link. There is a fiber trunc 2 blocks from my house from there its phone line to house. I pay for 50 Mbps and just tested it and I am getting around 60 Mbps down load. Only outage I have ever had is when squirrel nested in line pack. After some upgrades to my streaming stack i have near the same SQ as my Rega P6/AniaPro/decentphonostage. I occasionally get drops but its tolerable. I work from home on a Secure VPN , stream tv and music all the while. Occasionally I have to upload large software installations to remote servers albeit slow, taking hours , its consistently solid.


I like to relax and listen to music on holidays.  Few years ago, my internet stopped working for a whole day on Labor Day.  Way to go Spectrum!

Glad I had my vinyl and CDs.

I suggest you ask your Internet service provider to check the signal frequently response and all the cable connections in your home. My frequency response was too high and he replaced all my inside connections.  He also corrected and rewired the cables in my outside box.  

My immediate reaction was, it’s your streamer. Then I looked at your streamer. I had a Grimm in my system for a while. It sounded very good, definitely worth the money. Sonically it was not quite as good as mine… but it was much less expensive.

But thinking about your problem. I put a very high probability that it is that your streamer cannot cope with either your power or internet connection. Aurender streamers get very heavy as the go up in performance. The Grimm is very light weight… indicating to me it is lacking massive electrical and vibration isolation. That would account for it sounding good in my system and yours when power and the internet is quiet. The Aurrender has massive electrical isolation from outside and cashing to make up for bad internet performance. My streamer sounds exactly the same at all times. While there is a very slight increase in system performance late at night… it is the whole system related to the power grid.



I recommend borrowing a Aurender W20SE. I bet the problem goes away. I would think even an Aurender N20 will significantly if not completely mitigate the problem.