New video OCD Mikey nat amplifier

A really good video about the vacuum tube on this nat amplifier. 

Short and sweet and to the point. And no negativity I like that.

Always wondered how the existence of four or eight Power tubes on an amplifier impact the sound in light of all the travelling in and out of every single tube that occurs.

In this case you've got one big tube and I wonder does this benefit the signal or does it really matter? Seems it would be helpful in some mystical way.

I guess the electrons flow through the ether within the tube to transfer all those sonic waves in some magical way.


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Communist Russian tubes in it from Reflektor

LOL! I didn't know tubes could have a politico-ethical persuasion. If I drink vodka from Russia is it communist too? If it's from Alabama is it hillbilly? LOL!

December 26, 1991 the Soviet Union (Communist Russia) ended, to be replaced by a gangster state ruled by Vladimir Putin. Tubes made before that date at the old Reflektor plant are considered better than current production. I use them in my Golden Tube SE40. It is a single-end stereo amp with 3 parallel 6L6GC's per side. About 18 watts beam tetrode per side. Made around 1990.