Dog pissed on speaker

Any suggestions for how to remove dog piss from speaker, including on paper cone? Klipsch Heresy IV. It still has faint smell, and if I can still smell it must be strong to the dog. Dog has stopped peeing there but I’m still concerned he might again, driven by the smell. And if I get rid of the speakers, who would buy it?


Who allows a piddling dog inside the house? My terriers NEVER peed indoors. True, I could use only wall-mounted bookshelf speakers, but that was because of the cats, who would scratch anything if you displeased them by, say, leaving home for too long. At least they used their box as per training, except that time they pooped on our pillows to express their displeasure.

Make the color uniform again by pissing on both speakers. Drink a few beers so you can get a solid stream of foamy urine and really soak'em down. That should also change the odor. Just don't eat any asparagus prior to pissing. That would be bad.

Playing some Taylor Swift music could enhance the experience.



I've told my dog I will shot him in the head if he attempts #1 or #2 within 10 feet of my speakers. It's worked so far but he hasn't gotten old and broken down like me yet.

I've had that same conversation with every pet I've had, it works surprisingly well. 

@miltonpyron Maybe contact "Klipsch" customer service/support for cleaning advise

...or stop playing your "Cats" album

A hot dogging is a process in which you cut a dog in pieces and you run him through a grinder and you stuff him and you bbq him. You did fail to do your due diligence.