Upgrade Nakamichi PA 7All power amp with mono blocks

Current System:

Acoustat 1+1 speakers

Rythmik pair F12SE subwoofers

SPL Crossover (German Brand.  This separates the signal and reduces the demand on the Acoustats.  It helps bring out the mids and highs on the 1+1's

NAD C165BEE pre amplifier (plan to upgrade long term)

Technics SL-1500 C with AT 540ML cartridge in a RigB housing (think AT740ML+)

Marantz 8003 SACD (essentially retired with all CD's on digital card)

Eversolo DMP A6 streamer (occasionally use the DAC, but find it is too bright for extended listening

Schitt Bifrost 2/64 R2R DAC

Nakamichi PA 7All Power Amp (Nelson Pass Stasis design)

I am currently considering replacing the PA 7All with mono blocks, but am also willing to consider a  higher end stereo power amp.  I am looking for improved stage and instrument separation (already very good.  just want more).  I stream Amazon HD (60%), use the digital card for CD material (20%), and vinyl (20%).

These are the power amps I am currently considering:

PS Audio M 700 Mono Blocks ($3498 for pair)

Schitt Audio Tyr ($3198 for pair)

Buckeye Amps ($1550 for pair).  Worried about missing the low level Class A sound (70% of listening is done at low to mid level with 80% primarily background sound).

I would love to test these at home, but with a bad back and restocking fees I am inclined not too.  Once I get a new unit I will A/B it with the PA 7All to confirm it is an improvement.  Trying to minimize bringing too many units into the home.

I would love to hear the community's thoughts on these and potential other units to consider.  I am willing to try used, but it needs to be essentially a lock.  (I purchased the Acoustats and Nakamichi used.  Everything else was purchased new).


Thanks, Ralph


@ellajeanelle thank you for your thoughts.  PS Audio sounds like a  decent upgrade for me.  I am also interested in their Stellar Gold pre-amp.  Have you used the Tyr mono blocks, or is your concern with other items in their portfolio.  I found the Bifrost 2/64 compared favorably with more expensive DACs.  That is my only experience with their equipment though.  I was not impressed with the Schitt pre-amp reviews.

@decooney funny you should mention the Elector.  It is on my short list for pre-amps along with the PS Audio Stellar Gold.  I will think about it.  My Crossover came from London (a real hassle, but worth it in the end).  I believe HiFi Heaven stocks the Elector here in the states.  I purchased my turntable and cartridge from them.  They are great.

@thriftyaudio if interested, I can ask my local contact who worked at Threshold for Pass what his charge is to update your PA-7, or what he did on the last one I saw there recently.  Im really enjoying the upgrades on my other Pass Forte amp fwiw.  

Last two times I was there he had 3-4 Stasis amps there as I recall, plus a PA-7. Gotta ship to NorCal though. Super packing and double box and not cheap to ship but he gets amps from all over b/c people want to keep them in play.   



thriftyaudio OP

In response to your question and If I may give you my advice, don’t fall into the trap of taking reviews, comparisons and hype as fact.  Specs can give you a reference but definitely don’t rely on them to tell you how musical any component is going to sound.  I think you’ve already answered your own question regarding Shiit.  I will say that the 3 components that I did try from them were their so-called top of their line and all 3 had issues and got sent back, after I had to deal with what seemed like endless back and forth arguments spanning several days with one of the worst customer services that I have ever experienced.  You are comparing apples to oranges.  My analogy between Schiit and Ps Audio is like comparing Ford to Mercedes.

I haven’t listened to the Stellar Gold yet, but do have the Stellar Gain Cell DAC/ preamp combo connected to the M700s and that sound is what I briefly described to you. I am sure that the Gold preamp won't disappoint you, but you aren’t going to get the full performance of it with your current Schiit DAC.

I jumped from the Stellar to their BHK series.  I bought the BHK components before the Stellar gold came out.  The Gold was released recently. If you are leaning toward the M700’s with the Stellar Gold preamp I’d plan on a new DAC also, but if I was in your shoes with your current assumed budget, I would get the M700s new and a used Stellar gain cell DAC/ preamp.  Unfortunately, the Gain Cell DACs are sold out new.   They will not disappoint, and you have 30 days no questions asked refunds.  You do pay the return shipping though.

@decooney thanks for the offer. My unit was refurbished two years ago.

Well that’s great, and hopefully you can find a good path for next steps. Admittedly,  I was a little hyper-focused on trying different preamps having heard your model amp and speakers (both) at different times, and some understanding of how can they can sound given a great source, DAC, preamp, cables, room etc. Best of Luck on whatever you decide.