Upgrade Nakamichi PA 7All power amp with mono blocks

Current System:

Acoustat 1+1 speakers

Rythmik pair F12SE subwoofers

SPL Crossover (German Brand.  This separates the signal and reduces the demand on the Acoustats.  It helps bring out the mids and highs on the 1+1's

NAD C165BEE pre amplifier (plan to upgrade long term)

Technics SL-1500 C with AT 540ML cartridge in a RigB housing (think AT740ML+)

Marantz 8003 SACD (essentially retired with all CD's on digital card)

Eversolo DMP A6 streamer (occasionally use the DAC, but find it is too bright for extended listening

Schitt Bifrost 2/64 R2R DAC

Nakamichi PA 7All Power Amp (Nelson Pass Stasis design)

I am currently considering replacing the PA 7All with mono blocks, but am also willing to consider a  higher end stereo power amp.  I am looking for improved stage and instrument separation (already very good.  just want more).  I stream Amazon HD (60%), use the digital card for CD material (20%), and vinyl (20%).

These are the power amps I am currently considering:

PS Audio M 700 Mono Blocks ($3498 for pair)

Schitt Audio Tyr ($3198 for pair)

Buckeye Amps ($1550 for pair).  Worried about missing the low level Class A sound (70% of listening is done at low to mid level with 80% primarily background sound).

I would love to test these at home, but with a bad back and restocking fees I am inclined not too.  Once I get a new unit I will A/B it with the PA 7All to confirm it is an improvement.  Trying to minimize bringing too many units into the home.

I would love to hear the community's thoughts on these and potential other units to consider.  I am willing to try used, but it needs to be essentially a lock.  (I purchased the Acoustats and Nakamichi used.  Everything else was purchased new).


Thanks, Ralph


@thriftyaudio if interested, I can ask my local contact who worked at Threshold for Pass what his charge is to update your PA-7, or what he did on the last one I saw there recently.  Im really enjoying the upgrades on my other Pass Forte amp fwiw.  

Last two times I was there he had 3-4 Stasis amps there as I recall, plus a PA-7. Gotta ship to NorCal though. Super packing and double box and not cheap to ship but he gets amps from all over b/c people want to keep them in play.   



thriftyaudio OP

In response to your question and If I may give you my advice, don’t fall into the trap of taking reviews, comparisons and hype as fact.  Specs can give you a reference but definitely don’t rely on them to tell you how musical any component is going to sound.  I think you’ve already answered your own question regarding Shiit.  I will say that the 3 components that I did try from them were their so-called top of their line and all 3 had issues and got sent back, after I had to deal with what seemed like endless back and forth arguments spanning several days with one of the worst customer services that I have ever experienced.  You are comparing apples to oranges.  My analogy between Schiit and Ps Audio is like comparing Ford to Mercedes.

I haven’t listened to the Stellar Gold yet, but do have the Stellar Gain Cell DAC/ preamp combo connected to the M700s and that sound is what I briefly described to you. I am sure that the Gold preamp won't disappoint you, but you aren’t going to get the full performance of it with your current Schiit DAC.

I jumped from the Stellar to their BHK series.  I bought the BHK components before the Stellar gold came out.  The Gold was released recently. If you are leaning toward the M700’s with the Stellar Gold preamp I’d plan on a new DAC also, but if I was in your shoes with your current assumed budget, I would get the M700s new and a used Stellar gain cell DAC/ preamp.  Unfortunately, the Gain Cell DACs are sold out new.   They will not disappoint, and you have 30 days no questions asked refunds.  You do pay the return shipping though.

@decooney thanks for the offer. My unit was refurbished two years ago.

Well that’s great, and hopefully you can find a good path for next steps. Admittedly,  I was a little hyper-focused on trying different preamps having heard your model amp and speakers (both) at different times, and some understanding of how can they can sound given a great source, DAC, preamp, cables, room etc. Best of Luck on whatever you decide.


Get the M700s.

I've got the M1200s. Best sounding amps I've owned.

Clarity, soundstage, imaging, timbres, top-to-bottom cohesiveness.

Effortless power.