A.I. music

Possibly of interest: "the current rush to advance generative AI technology could be "spiritually, politically, and economically" corrosive. By effectively removing people, like musicians, from algorithms and tech that create new content, elements of society that were once connections between people are turned into "objects" that become less interesting and meaningful, Lanier explained.

"As soon as you have the algorithms taking music from musicians, mashing it up into new music, and then not paying the musicians, gradually you start to undermine the economy because what happens to musicians now happens to everybody later," Lanier said.

He noted that, while this year has been the "year of AI," next year the world is going to be "flooded, flooded with AI-generated music."



I think that between Bernard Mandeville corrupted but creative and rich hive society as a model of capitalism using A.I. as tool and the Amish refusal there is a middle way determined by the rethinking of the social fabric hierarchies value ...

This exclude unelected Bill Gates or Google takes over of societies priority...

I cannot say more here ... 😊


Music is meanings, not abstracted meaning only but  concrete recognized meaning born from the human body metabolism and soul history...

 A.I. music will be a corruption of music sold as entertainment ...

Some musicians composers will used it...

I will stick to the acoustically rooted musician playing a historically meaningful instrument...

I prefer didgeridoo anyway to electronica...


This is free to read and is probably the best explanation of neural network with diagrams...

Design your own A.I. 😊 And beat caveman Bach at music composition with little help...



Or what if Bach joined Led Zeppelin?   Wouldn't that be interesting!


(Did this with fotor and powerpoint)

Led Zeppelin will definitely benefit from this mix...

Bach will not benefit at all ...😊

Imagine Led Zeppelin is a beautiful woman and Bach a male genius she want him as husband to procreate together :


«Reportedly there was famous exchange between the prominent playwright George Bernard Shaw and the glamorous dancer Isadora Duncan on the topic of producing a child together. Duncan stated that Shaw had a magnificent brain and she had a glorious beauty; the combination would yield a remarkable child. Shaw replied with regret that he feared the result would embody his beauty and her brains.»


I dont want a mix of Wagner and Mozart ...

Nor any other mix..

Music is not electronical mixing sounds or styles...( it could be fun one hour )

Music is about historically grounded creativity rooted in specific bodies and souls of humam artists...

Music is not sounds, as some people too focussed on audio gear thought it is, music is culturally recognized meanings in metamorphosis...

Music is not only a background fun noise as it could be ...It is mostly a joyful content who taught us deep meanings...

It is why A.I. mixing cannot be an esthetical goal... Only a marketing circus product...

I will not buy it... Sorry ...😁😊


And yes i am too serious.... 😋

Or perhaps not enough serious facing this A.I. cataclysm in the hand of criminal corporations...

pick your choice...