Small hi-res player?

I am looking for a small portable music player that is able to playback hi-res files (at least, 24/96), but either I am blind, or these are still rare. One wonders why, now that these chips are cheap. I am able to record in 24/96 from my vinyl analog rig, and there is just no competition, even downsampled, it sounds much better than CD. Yet it is a shame not being able to use the hi-res format directly. I use a Cowon D2, which is very capable player, but it cannot go beyond the 16/44 (CD format level). I now have 80 gb of analog music on my hard disk and would really like to use it. Any advice? Input appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xo_holter
We won't get hi-res players unless we use pressure. A-goners use Cowon, Archos, Sony, others. We need to make our voice known, to get better audio resolution. I've mailed Cowon, please do the same.
tripped over this thread while looking for something else, and now I cant even remember what I was looking for.
What a great idea! Especially now that portables have such large memory capacity.
We are talking about an ipod-like portable that would play hi rez right?
I dont do records yet but like the idea of dvda or sacd on a portable. Is that possible?
Thanks Jimmy,
Yes, we are talking about ipod-like players supporting high resolution.
I wonder why this development is so "delayed". It might help if audiophiles lobby producers to get going. I am in friendly contact with the Cowon importer to get new info on this matter. A major goal is to get PCM 192/24 and DSD playback, which would lift the whole business to a new level, to my ears.
that would be great. I'd be ready to go with the pcm 192/24 and a portable with a digital output.
I would guess that it is the drm on sacd and dvd/a sources that is a sticking point.
Decoding DSD seems to be easy, according to technical papers I've browsed. I have paid for the music (vinyl recordings) I am playing. I bet most audiophiles would fall of their chair if they heard the quality of it, played back on my Jade OTL headphone amp (no question, it beats 192/24 PCM also, at least through the Korg's DAC). But - we are not allowed to go in that direction, are we? We HAVE paid for the music, yet we're not allowed to copy it to another device, for personal use? It reminds me of the people-unfriendly business model of some big data companies - if you use three computers, you got to buy three program licenses. "Money doesn't talk, it swears". The irony of this is that people like me, who complain about this, are exactly the same people who have invested A LOT over the years in music, audio, etc. And I don't just mean money.