Stuff You Tried To Love

I know we talk a lot about confirmation bias- we buy something and then convince ourselves we like it. Or something like that. But did you ever buy something you wanted to love and just couldn’t make it work? For me, Esoteric X-05 SACD/CD player. Bought from a local who was upgrading to the X-03. Big, beautiful piece of gear, but I couldn’t get used to the sound after 6 months of trying. Sold it to another local- I insisted he listen before he bought and I believe he sold it soon after as well. Totem Forest and Hawk. I loved the whole concept. Slim, easy to live with. Couldn’t get them to work in my room. The Model Ones were much better. I had a couple of other pieces, but this is long enough. BTW, these were bought used without audition.


con·fir·ma·tion bi·as:


  1. the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories.

Since "Kind of Blue" is being knocked about at the moment I need to ask a question. My digital copy has an odd thing that may or may not be natural. The opening horn is making a sound much like that of spittle being blown through the mouthpiece. It could also be distortion from mic-ing improperly. The sound is quite distracting. Anyone else hear this?

Jazz or not jazz or any genre, there are only 2 types of musicians: 

1. Those who can play...

2. Those who can't...


This is a very useful distinction...

Those who can think and those who cannot...

Those who can walk good and those who cannot...😊

@bolong - I have it on vinyl, just a regular $25 pressing, and it’s the same. The first track has some issues with the recording. I thought it was just my pressing, but your post confirms what I heard as well.