A.I. music

Possibly of interest: "the current rush to advance generative AI technology could be "spiritually, politically, and economically" corrosive. By effectively removing people, like musicians, from algorithms and tech that create new content, elements of society that were once connections between people are turned into "objects" that become less interesting and meaningful, Lanier explained.

"As soon as you have the algorithms taking music from musicians, mashing it up into new music, and then not paying the musicians, gradually you start to undermine the economy because what happens to musicians now happens to everybody later," Lanier said.

He noted that, while this year has been the "year of AI," next year the world is going to be "flooded, flooded with AI-generated music."



I just finished a very interesting book on A.I. by Mustafa Suleyman titled "The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the 21st Century’s Greatest Dilema. I highly recommend it if you are interested in this subject. I guarantee that it will sharpen your perspective on this issue.


Thanks for the book recommendation i will buy it now... I know the writer by youtube...he is interesting...


AI isn’t really intelligent. It’s a data mining algorithm. It creates nothing on its own without referencing human work. It just accesses what is already created very well and can assemble it however it is asked to perform.

@falconquest I would submit that this is exacty what humans do. The phenonemon we call creativity is actually just a resythesis of elements that have come before. Music is an excellent example. There is nothing that is completely "original" in new music. Every new composition and performance references what has come before it. The concept of A.I. is modeled on how our brains work. It is only a matter of time before it A.I. exceeds the capabilities of the human brain and A.I. sentience is going to happen whether we like it or not.


Now this matter in your post is very complicated to understand...

Saying that A. I. will exceed human intelligence is not even wrong...

Saying that A.I. do the same thing that human creativity rewashing and mixing old historical patterns is not even wrong either...

The fact is that any A.I. and even the unknown A. C. designed by Anirban B. about whom i spoke in my above posts, they are all machines which cannot be rooted in the universal information field of all living creatures... Life had a guiding soul which is a cell of this infinite cosmic field.

No machine can gain a soul by definition of being artificial or designed out of the grounded flow of life...

But someday we will use living cells materials for our machine...Soon... Then we will play God...

In the universe right now some civilizations had already designed "robots" made of living cells... Are they own a soul ? i dont know.... Extraterrestrials or beings from another dimensions exists already anyway and used these beings/machines way over our actual primitive A. I. and even over the artificial brain of the artyificial conscious machine designed by Anirban ... ...

Now creativity in human beings by all means come from spiritual sources in dreams or by intuition as it is well attested by scientific testimonies of many geniuses... It is not the results of the brain as described by neural networks computing models...

Perhaps A.C. as designed by Anirban synthetic biology will be able of some "creativity" but man is linked to an infinite field of primes not to a finite field as synthetic biological entities through his soul ... Nobody can create soul because nobody ever created the primes numbers infinity... They emanate together from the Source of all fields or cells...


Music is an excellent example. There is nothing that is completely "original" in new music.

I differ of opinion about that...

Bach creation may be previsible as possibilities in some measure but appear totally new even today and unique... The same is true for Gesualdo or Scriabin or any geniuses...Imitating is not creating...

The instantiation of the universal through an individual living soul/body is not equal to a simulation through mere variations between imitation and modelization by a machine or by a brain working as a machine like neural network llm ....

music as language /speech also is so complex that we dont have a mathemathical model explaining his production and infinite creativity...

Music/sounds and language/ speech are complex symbolic forms related to two irreducible levels : the body and the meaning or symbolic level...

You cannot program our actual machine to be creative... Productivity is not creativity... Turing test is only an artefact describing our deception/confusion level and reflecting our ignorance about ourselves...






I feel the same as you it is too rapid, too much, by too big big corporations...

I just submit my books suggestion for those interested and hoping it will be useful...

My best regards to you too ...

Sincerely ...

Of course we are in for a sea change in just about everything and no I personally don’t think it’s a good thing. I don’t mind change...it the rapidity that bites you in the butt.

I recall 30 some odd years ago as a software developer when I realized all of a sudden that anything can be faked. It is just bits and bytes, and manipulated properly can produce anything you can imagine. Was scary to me then and even more scary to me now. Particularly because it seems today’s youth seem to accept whatever is on a screen (obvious generalization).

@mahgister Please understand I respect the width and breadth of your knowledge base...to me it’s simply a matter of "to much to read". All the best.

Hold onto your shorts because they’re trying to pull them down!






Trying to keep up here but there are too many words. I will ask A.I. to summarize. ;-)


Trying to keep up here but there are too many words. I will ask A.I. to summarize. ;-)


I am sorry as all know i am too verbose...

But how to describe complex matter in few sentences ?


I will be surprized if A.I. can relate together Cantor, Mystics methods, Shai Haran Grothendieck, Mochizuki and Anirban work in one meaningful explanation...

But ask him he will answer this : The prime numbers is the core of the works between all these names... But he will affirm to you that there is no relation between Cantor works and the prime numbers distribution... The only exception will be a note in a book of Hao Wang about the unexplained intuition of Godel about a relation between the existence of measurable cardinals and the prime distribution ... An idea so deep no one ever explained to my knowledge ...

It is what A. I. chat gpt will say to you if it is efficient ... 😊

but i doubt he will explain well the link between mystical methods and Cantor but it is possible ... Ask him ... And report here ...

For those who want to understand how could be formulated a philosophical epistemology which is non reductionist and when it was formulated i suggest this article from "medium" excellent magazine internet :


i recommend also three books on Goethe by Henri Bortoft a physicist who is the best contemporary student of Goethe epistemology... His book : "Taken appearences serriously " is stunning read... Goethe is only on par with the greatest human scientific and artistic geniuses in one individual as Leonardo Da Vinci who anyway used the same methods in natural science ...

It will be an antidote to reductionism A.I. poisonning promoted by the like of Kurzweil...

‘The Tip of the Iceberg’ Goethe’s Aphorisms on the theory of Nature and Science

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe and the Emergence of Holistic Science; D.C. Wahl, 2001